Course Syllabus

English 101 

Item#: 1045, Section OCS,  Summer 2018

Instructor: Rhonda Gilliam


Phone: 425-564-2123

Office location: B-200F

Office Hours: by appointment 

Course Information

Course Outcomes

According to the English department at Bellevue College, after completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Think critically and Read analytically: carefully interpret and evaluate claims, beliefs, arguments or issues, reading various texts critically for purposes of interpretation, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation.
  • Compose and Revise in Context: shape written responses for--and employ style, tone, and mechanical conventions appropriate to--the demands of different audiences and purposes, using various methods of development such as illustration, comparison and contrast, and analysis, and balancing their individual voices with those from other texts.
  • Reflect, Collaborate & Evaluate: incorporate newly acquired skills, both individually and with peers, to critique their own and others’ work, to gain a clearer perspective of habits that may detract from the effectiveness of their own writing, and to develop flexible strategies for revising, editing, and proofreading in response to comments from their instructor and peers.

How Course Outcomes will be met

Over the course of the quarter, you will complete the following assignments to develop your reading, analyzing and composition skills: 

  1. You will encounter various forms of “texts” through listening, watching, and reading. In preparing your papers, you will need to interpret these texts, analyzing the claims they are making and the evidence they are giving to support their arguments.
  2. You will write papers which interpret, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize these texts.
  3. You will read lectures on various methods of developing content for your papers; then, use them in preparing your papers.
  4. You will be asked to learn to be aware of your assumptions and how they might differ from those of the texts your encounter.
  5. You will critique the writing done by others as well as your own.
  6. You will learn and apply a set of standards to your writing as well as the writing of others.


Assignments and Grades:

  • Discussions: (2 @ 20 points) = 40 points
  • Formal Papers: (3 @ 100 points each) = 300 points
  • Marius Homework Assignments (4 @ 20 pts each) = 80 points total
  • Peer Review Critiques (4 @ 20 points each) = 80 points

Total Points for the Course: 500 points

Late Policy:

Formal Paper and Homework Assignments submitted after the due date listed the course calendar will lose 10% of their total points per class period that they are late. I will not accept late assignments if they arrive more than 3 class days after the original due date.

Peer Reviews must be completed on the dates set aside on the calendar.  PERIOD. I set aside at minimum 2 - 3 class days to do these assignments. Make a note of them and post the draft of your paper early.

Grading Policies:

I (and the English department) expect that the average of your formal papers will be a C-(70) or better. If you fail to average 70% or higher on these writing assignments, you will not be able to move on to English 201, 270, 271 or 272.

I use standard percentage markings to assign letter grades as follows:

(A) = 94-100%

(A-) = 89.51%-93%

(B+) = 87-89%

(B) = 84-86%

(B-) = 79.51%-83%

(C+) = 77-79%

(C) = 74-76%

(C-) = 69.51%-73%

(D+) = 67-69%

(D) = 59.51%-66%

(F) = 59.5% and below


Bellevue College’s Grading Policy is explained in the current Course Catalog and can also be found at this link: Grading Policy (Links to an external site.).


Books and Materials Required

Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist. ISBN-13: 978-0062315007

Marius, Richard. A Writer's Companion. 4th edition. ISBN-13: 978-0073040158

You will need access to Netflix or Amazon Video for one paper assignment.

Help with Canvas

This class is completely online. No classroom participation is required. If you need help using Canvas, you can find it at this link: Student Canvas Help (

Classroom Learning Atmosphere

Instructor’s Expectations

  1. Like most online classes, this class can be done any time 24/7. That said, I strongly suggest that you participate on a daily basis, at least 4 days a week, to keep up with discussions and homework assignments.  
  2. I expect that you will participate in all assigned activities, whether individually or in groups, as assigned on the class calendar.
  3. I expect that you come to this class with some basic college-level skills, such as
  • the ability to read, comprehend, and follow clearly written instructions,
  • the ability to ask questions if you are confused or are having problems, and 
  • the ability to write using the standard conventions of modern English grammar and mechanics.

Furthermore, in this class, I expect that you will

  • be responsible to save and backup your paper files, and
  • be courteous and respectful to everyone in the class. 

Any student who seriously disrupts the learning environment of our class will be referred to the College Disciplinary Officer and asked to withdraw.

* Every quarter someone who has failed to participate fully asks me for an incomplete or for an extra credit assignment.  Here are my policies regarding these requests: 

(1) Incomplete (I) grades: I give an incomplete in the following situations. First, the student has completed 75% of the coursework, and second, the student has a verifiable medical or family emergency that prevents him/her from completing the coursework on time. 

(2) Extra credit Assignment: I do not assign extra credit to individuals, though I may offer it to the entire class for certain activities. However, if a student has failed to participate fully in the rest of the class, extra credit may not be used to pass the class.


This course and its website are designed to be welcoming to, accessible for, and usable by everyone, including students who are English-language learners, have a variety of learning styles or have varying abilities. Be sure to let me know immediately if you encounter a required element or resource in the course or website that is not accessible to you. 

Affirmation of Inclusion

Bellevue College is committed to maintaining an environment in which every member of the campus community feels welcome to participate in the life of the college, free from harassment and discrimination.

We value our different backgrounds at Bellevue College, and students, faculty, staff members, and administrators are to treat one another with dignity and respect.

Affirmation of Inclusion (

Religious Holidays

Students who expect to miss classes, examinations, or any other assignments because of a religious observance will be provided with a reasonable alternative opportunity to complete such academic responsibilities. However, it is the obligation of that student to provide me notice of the dates of these religious holidays, preferably at the beginning of the quarter, IF they prevent the student from being online to complete their work.  

Policy 2950 Accommodations for Reasons of Faith or Conscience 

College Anti-Discrimination Statement

Bellevue College does not discriminate on the basis of race or ethnicity; creed; color; national origin; sex; marital status; sexual orientation; age; religion; genetic information; the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability; or veteran status in educational programs and activities which it operates.

Bellevue College is prohibited from discriminating in such a manner by college policy and by state and federal law. All college personnel and persons, vendors, and organizations with whom the college does business are required to comply with applicable federal and state statutes and regulations designed to promote affirmative action and equal opportunity.

Equal Opportunity (

Confidentiality and Mandatory Reporting

As an instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment on our campus. It is my goal that you feel able to share information related to your life experiences in our virtual classroom discussions, in your written work, and in our one-on-one meetings. I will seek to keep the information you share private to the greatest extent possible. However, I am required to share with the Title IX Coordinator any and all information regarding sexual assault and other forms of sexual misconduct (e.g. dating violence, domestic violence, stalking) that may have occurred on campus or that impacts someone on campus. Students may speak to someone confidentially by contacting the BC Counseling Center at (425) 564-2212. The Title IX Office can be contacted at 425-564-2641 and more information can be found at Title IX 

If you have any concerns, you may report to Report Concerns 


Division Statement

The Arts and Humanities division policy, along with the policies stated in this document, will govern this course.  Please read The Arts and Humanities: Student Procedures and Expectations.


Please also read “The Arts and Humanities Commitment to Student Growth and Development.


Plagiarism Policy:

I expect academic honesty. If you are unclear on what academic dishonesty or plagiarism is, please re-read the Arts and Humanities student procedures and policies posted above, paying particular attention to number 5 (five).  If you cheat or plagiarize, the following actions will be taken:

  • You will receive a grade of "F" on the work (period).
  • You may not re-do or make-up this work.
  • A report of the incident will be filed with the Dean of Students Office. This report may become part of your permanent record or the Dean may choose to pursue further disciplinary action.
Please review the Student Code of Prohibited Student Conduct

More Important Links

Please use the following important links to learn more about:

Final Exam Schedule

There is no final exam in this class.


Bellevue College

Course Summary:

Date Details Due